Saturday, March 1, 2008

Aylah's first feeding!!!

Well, first of all I am horribly sick at the moment (Nicole, good thing we didn't come up last week). They're telling me it's the flu, but I am more in pain with a sore throat and I keep sneezing which is hurting my throat even more. Enough about me though...

Aylah had her first real food today. She ate about 5 baby bites of rice cereal mixed with formula. I am pretty sure she liked it. She sat in Serenity's old eating chair and Serenity buckled her in. Each bite I gave her Serenity wiped her mouth clean with a wipe. She was very helpful! Here are a few photos of the event and a few other cute pics of the girls:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! What a good helper. I hope that you're feeling better soon.