Well, a lot has happened since I've written last. We bought a house in Fountain, Co. It's a real fixer upper. There is so much to do, I don't really know where to start as far as the big projects go.
Davey has left for Iraq. He is doing well.
Davey - If you're reading this we miss you so much! We got the movie of you reading last night and the girls watched it first thing this morning. Serenity was yelling "it's daddy, it's daddy" and then she carried the book around and read it all morning. Aylah watched the movie with a big smile on her face.
Here are the updates:
We had a flood the day Davey left for his deployment so that has been a lot of fun to deal with.
Serenity started gymnastics again. She loves it! She is doing really well at it.
Aylah will be 1 in about a month! crazy! I changed her into the forward facing "big girl" car seat and I think she likes it. I wanted her to get used to it before our next road trip home in about 3 weeks.
The girls and I will be coming to San Diego from Halloween until right after the New Year. It will be a fun trip full of lots of stuff to celebrate and hopefully it will make the time go by fast. While in California we will be celebrating Halloween, Aylah's birthday, Thanksgiving, my friend's Jillian and Rollin are getting Married, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years, Another friend, Maritza's wedding....I think that's it.
Me...well, I'm pregnant!!!! We're expecting our third baby in May! We are really excited!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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